After featuring a retrospective of some of my short films in clear defiance of the community decency standards of several Florida counties, the brave,  patriotic and right-thinking Americans of The Daily Grindhouse have chosen to bookend my week with them by including me in one of their thrilling podcasts hosted by All-American macho he-man Joe “The Creeper” Robin and joined by rakish heel about town Mike White of Impossible Funky Productions and Dr. Freex, the sexual dynamo of The Bad Movie Report.

In what is sure to become an historic flashpoint of free speech and First Amendment rights, the quartet lets loose about all the off-the-record LETHAL FORCE dish while being none too politically correct with an avalanche of saucy, irreverent remarks at the expense of feminist icon Gloria Steinem. Join us for the fireworks and when your children ask what you were doing when the second American revolution started, you too can say “Burning down the local office of world government pawns Amnesty International and downloading The Daily Grindhouse!”

Live free and enjoy Christmas while you can, America, because the sh*t is going down in 2012

Your pal,

Sir A1!

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